Large-Scale Ceramics
Limited availability for 2024. Now accepting commissions for 2025. Please inquire about current availability.
For many years I focused on how my work can fill a table and add to the rituals of daily life. Recently, I’ve been enjoying the opportunity to focus on different questions such as how my work can interact with, and live within other spaces in the world…indoors and out.
The smallest versions of these forms first appeared as my Forming Connection Collection in 2022. Ever since those pieces came to life, I knew that they had larger relatives waiting to join them. I knew that the Summer of Exploration was a big moment for me and was for making big things.
I have always understood volume. I understood form and how something could fill space. I have seen shapes inside my head since my very first ceramics class at Skidmore College. I can’t escape it. Sometimes I find my hands forming shapes in the air as I try to feel and see the volume of a form fill up a space in front of me. It’s an affliction that I am honored to have.
Rocks and minerals are broken down over the millennia to form clay deposits around the world. I am lucky and get to take this incredible simple, abundant material that exists because of how outside forces and time created clay and use it to form something new. Something that has the potential to last for millenia once it leaves my studio. While I’m building something on the wheel I am both building an object for the real world and attempting to capture a moment. I get to push the movement of the wheel, of the clay, and the touch of my hands into each and every piece. All of those moments get locked into my finished work. I get to stop time and hold volume in these forms. My motivations, the movement of my hands, the ideas going through my mind during the making process are forever locked inside each and every finished piece I make.
These forms have been growing inside my studio since May of this year. They are finally coming out of the kiln to take on their new life in the world. They started as an idea for the garden that my wife has been building and nurturing at our home. I am happy that these forms will now fill space and hold their meaning in the broader world.